Prehliadka mesta D. Kubín

25. novembra 2014 erasmus 0

Monuments in Dolný Kubín Historic cemetery there are many famous people who lived in Dolný Kubín buried in this cemetery. (Janko Matúška, Theo Florin, Ladislav […]


24. novembra 2014 erasmus 0

Programme schedule 24.-27. 11. 2014: Monday arrival at 5 p.m. into the hotels; Polish group to the hotel KURIA and Hungarian one into the hotel […]


1. novembra 2014 erasmus 0

Koordinátor projektu v našej škole: Mgr. Anna Šochová E-mail: web: Mgr. Ľudovít Mačor E-mail: +421 911 876 026