Monuments in Dolný Kubín
Historic cemetery
- there are many famous people who lived in Dolný Kubín buried in this cemetery. (Janko Matúška, Theo Florin, Ladislav Nadáši – Jége…)
Church of st. Catherine Alexandry
– catholic church
– built in 70´s years of 19 century,
– gothic style
– the oldest monument in DK.
Čaplovič´s library
– slovak, european, world bundles of books
– more than 60 000 titles
– the oldest books are from 16th century
Florin´s birthhouse
Florin – poet, publicist, diplomat
– he lived there in 1953 – 1973
– nowadays used for cultural exhibitions
Hviezdoslav´s house
Hviezdoslav – the biggest poet in Slovakia
– he worked in this house
Jewish synagogue
– built in 1901
– during the 2. word war it was destroyed
– then there was the cinema but it was closed 3 years ago
Evangelic church
It was built in 1784. In 1893 big fire destroyed part of the town and also this church. It was rebuilt in 1894.
Orava gallery
Is settled in this building- it´s called Župný house. There you can visit 5 permanent exhibitions- like
Art of 15th-19th century
Slovak paintings of 20th century
Štefan Siváň- famous Orava woodcarver
And also some short-term exhibitions
Wooden bridge
There are only few wooden covered bridges in whole Europe (in Switzerland and France). It was built in 1994 and it connects old part of town and housing estate Bysterec. There are situated small shops with traditional Orava´s milk products along this bridge.
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